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Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk - Lincoln, NE

Sat August 17, 2024 Lincoln, NE 68506 US Directions

Top Donors

$6,913 Raised By 63 Donors

$3,000 on behalf of General Dynamics - OTS
$500 on behalf of Heros
$500 on behalf of PayPal
$250 on behalf of Brown & Blue Legal Representation Plan
$200 on behalf of Jennifer Bradeen
$200 on behalf of Nebraska Knockerball LLC
$150 on behalf of Jade Baber
$100 on behalf of Cari Campbell
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Ken Hoffman
$100 on behalf of Matea Schroeder
$100 on behalf of Michon Morrow
$100 on behalf of Nathan Armagost
$65 on behalf of Brianna Brown
$65 on behalf of Karen Silverstrand
$50 on behalf of Bertha Jimenez
$50 on behalf of Dea Mandery
$50 on behalf of Jason Drager
$50 on behalf of JESSICA NORTON
$50 on behalf of Julianne Spatz
$50 on behalf of Matea Schroeder
$50 on behalf of Melissa Seeley
$50 on behalf of Moffatt Family
$50 on behalf of Sarah Newton
$50 on behalf of Spencer Humphrey
$50 from Anonymous
$40 on behalf of Janelle Mills
$40 on behalf of Joann Tumbleson
$40 on behalf of Michon Morrow
$40 on behalf of Salena & Jimmy Ybarra
$40 on behalf of Taylor Frank
$40 on behalf of Taylor Frank
$40 on behalf of Taylor Frank
$35 from Anonymous
$35 on behalf of Julie Rhodes
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Angie Jennings
$25 on behalf of Jaclyn Tejeda
$25 on behalf of Kim Ostermann
$25 on behalf of Kristin Cicha
$25 on behalf of SHERRIE ZIEGENBEIN
$25 on behalf of Terri Nelson
$20 on behalf of Angela Richards
$20 on behalf of Antonio Marino
$20 on behalf of Brittney Younkin
$20 on behalf of Chris Kenny
$20 on behalf of Debbie Potter
$20 on behalf of Gemechu Sawtelle
$20 on behalf of Jessica Dinges
$20 on behalf of Joey Ossian
$20 on behalf of Jonathan Cleveland
$20 on behalf of Mason Eickmann
$20 on behalf of Sandra Marino
$20 on behalf of Tiffie Hunter
$15 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of AJ HUTCHINSON
$10 on behalf of norma casillas
$10 on behalf of Patrick Langdon
$10 on behalf of William Weaver
$5 on behalf of Alex Seals
$5 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$1 on behalf of Elijah Albracht


Aaron Poston
$0 Goal
Addison Earnest
$0 Goal
Addison Gowan
$0 Goal
Adelyn Brewer
$0 Goal
Aedynn Graham
$0 Goal
Ahtesham Qureshi
$0 Goal
Alex Rodriguez
$0 Goal
Alex Russell
$0 Goal
Alex Sawtelle
$0 Goal
Alex Seals
$5 Raised
Alicia Jennings
$0 Goal
Alley O’Connor
$0 Goal
Allison McGinn
$0 Goal
Allison Stuefer
$0 Goal
Amanda DeFreece
$0 Goal
Amber Clough
$0 Goal
Amber Fader
$500 Raised
Amber Hilker
$0 Goal
Amber Peters
$0 Goal
Amber Schuster
$0 Goal
Amelia Morrissey
$0 Goal
Amy Auch Moedy
$0 Goal
Amy Lange
$0 Goal
Amy Reiner
$0 Goal
Amy Stuefer
$0 Goal
Amy Temple
$0 Goal
Amy Thompson
$0 Goal
Anders Weedin
$0 Goal
Andrea Thieman
$0 Goal
andrea zach
$0 Goal
Andrew Hoffmeyer
$0 Goal
Andrew Milligan
$0 Goal
Angela Richards
$20 Raised
Angie Jennings
$0 Goal
Ann Geary
$0 Goal
Anna Bates
$0 Goal
Anna Watters
$0 Goal
Anthony Pflanz
$0 Goal
Antoinette Davis
$0 Goal
Antonio Marino
$485 Raised
Antonio Tejeda
$0 Goal
Anya Edwards
$0 Goal
Asher Darling
$0 Goal
Ashlee Dickinson
$0 Goal
ashley Calhoun
$0 Goal
Aubree Dinkel
$0 Goal
Audra Cotton
$0 Goal
Austin Earnest
$0 Goal
Autumn Hester
$0 Goal
Ava Moffatt
$0 Goal
Ava Sudbeck
$0 Goal
Barb Chmelka
$0 Goal
Beau Bradeen
$0 Goal
Bede Bolin
$0 Goal
Bemnet Habtu
$0 Goal
Ben Pflanz
$0 Goal
Betsy Thomas
$0 Goal
Boaz Bornschlegl
$0 Goal
Brandon Prang
$0 Goal
Brandon Smith
$0 Goal
Braylee Thompson
$0 Goal
Brett Mills
$0 Goal
Brian Jackson
$0 Goal
Brian Reiner
$0 Goal
Bridget Tupa
$0 Goal
Bristol Calhoun
$0 Goal
Britny McNeese
$0 Goal
Brittney McNeese
$0 Goal
Brittney Younkin
$20 Raised
Brody Oligmueller
$0 Goal
Brody Wood
$0 Goal
Brooke Noordhoek
$0 Goal
Bryan Reimers
$0 Goal
Bryce Reimers
$0 Goal
Bryxtol Richardson
$0 Goal
Calisie Johnson
$0 Goal
Cameron Frank
$180 Raised
Campbell Mandery
$50 Raised
Candace Hanes
$0 Goal
Carlie McKinney
$0 Goal
Carol Foutz
$0 Goal
Carrie Herrera
$0 Goal
Carson Hester
$0 Goal
Carter Sudbeck
$0 Goal
Casimira Ramirez
$0 Goal
Cassius Dinkel
$0 Goal
Cassondra Scully
$0 Goal
Catherine Blazek
$0 Goal
Cedric Esquivel
$0 Goal
Charlotte Reiner
$0 Goal
Chelsea sackett
$0 Goal
Chelsey McCroden
$0 Goal
Cheryl Baehne
$0 Goal
Cheryl Lynn Riggs
$0 Goal
Chet Bigley
$0 Goal
Cheyenne Richardson
$0 Goal
Chloe Aldrich
$2 Raised
Chris Hassler
$0 Goal
Chris Kenny
$20 Raised
Christian Watters
$0 Goal
Christina Grundman
$0 Goal
Christine Gowan
$0 Goal
Christinia Eickmann
$0 Goal
Christopher Connelly
$0 Goal
Christy Boyd
$0 Goal
Christy Prang
$0 Goal
Cindy Koenig-Warnke
$0 Goal
Cleo zach
$0 Goal
Colleen Kelley
$0 Goal
Connor Kenny
$0 Goal
Connor Zegar
$0 Goal
Cooper Monson
$0 Goal
Cory Cotton
$0 Goal
Craig Everett
$0 Goal
Cuong Nguyen
$5 Raised
Daidra Zegar
$0 Goal
Danette Matty
$0 Goal
$35 Raised
David Beach
$0 Goal
David Coleman
$0 Goal
Davis Oliver
$0 Goal
Dayton Murty
$0 Goal
Dean Kottwitz
$0 Goal
Debbie O'Keefe
$0 Goal
Debbie Potter
$20 Raised
Deborah Struwe
$0 Goal
Diane Forst
$0 Goal
Diego Korol
$0 Goal
Donna Cotton
$0 Goal
Donna Tafoya
$0 Goal
Donna Thiellen
$0 Goal
Doran Auger
$0 Goal
Doug Larson
$0 Goal
Doug Outz
$0 Goal
Drew Cromwell
$0 Goal
Dylan Bower
$0 Goal
Edward Scully
$0 Goal
Elijah Albracht
$1 Raised
Elisha Petersen
$0 Goal
Elizabeth Struwe
$0 Goal
Emily Broyles
$0 Goal
Emily Vanous
$0 Goal
Emma Echtenkamp
$0 Goal
Emma Wood
$0 Goal
Emmyjo Ynzunza
$0 Goal
Eric Matty
$0 Goal
Erica Klemsz
$0 Goal
Erica Weedin
$0 Goal
Erin Osienger
$0 Goal
Erinn Criner
$0 Goal
Estefania Arellano
$0 Goal
Evelyn Newton
$50 Raised
Everly Richardson
$0 Goal
Fabian Peralta
$0 Goal
Faqeha Qureshi
$0 Goal
Farrah Plate
$0 Goal
Felicia Mendoza
$0 Goal
Gabriella Simpson
$0 Goal
Gail Illich
$0 Goal
Gannon Tighe
$0 Goal
Gary Wood
$0 Goal
Gavin Morrow
$0 Goal
Gemechu Sawtelle
$20 Raised
Genie Watters
$0 Goal
Gina Kuchta
$0 Goal
Grace Langdon
$10 Raised
Grace Sawtelle
$0 Goal
Grace Scdoris
$0 Goal
Grayson Elias
$0 Goal
Gretchen Sawtelle
$0 Goal
Greyson Frank
$165 Raised
Habiba Malik
$0 Goal
Haisley Kirkpatrick
$0 Goal
Harmony Rea
$0 Goal
Harmony Velazquez
$0 Goal
Hector Torres
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Henry Stempson
$0 Goal
Holly Hasselbalch
$0 Goal
Hunter DeFreece
$0 Goal
Ilja Sanio
$0 Goal
Isabella Curiel
$255 Raised
Jace McKinney
$0 Goal
Jaclyn Tejeda
$50 Raised
Jadyn Gentleman
$0 Goal
Jake Klipfel
$0 Goal
Jake Rich
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Jameson Davenport
$0 Goal
Jamie Schilke
$0 Goal
Jamie Thompson
$0 Goal
Jane Larson
$0 Goal
Jason Allan
$0 Goal
Jason Drager
$50 Raised
Jason Moffatt
$50 Raised
Jason Rolf
$0 Goal
Jason Shulman
$0 Goal
Jaxson Scdoris
$0 Goal
Jay Oligmueller
$0 Goal
Jayme Lowell
$0 Goal
Jazzy Smalll
$0 Goal
Jenna Cain
$0 Goal
Jenna Maher
$0 Goal
Jenna Schneider
$0 Goal
Jennifer Bradeen
$200 Raised
Jennifer Richardson
$0 Goal
Jese Riddle
$0 Goal
Jessica Cronin
$0 Goal
Jessica Dinges
$20 Raised
Jessica Larson
$0 Goal
Jessica Monson
$0 Goal
Jessica Myrum
$0 Goal
$50 Raised
Jill Tinnelly
$0 Goal
Jim DeFreece
$0 Goal
Joann Kaczor
$0 Goal
Jodi Barry
$0 Goal
Jodi Garrelts
$0 Goal
Joe Kuchta
$0 Goal
John Reed
$0 Goal
Jordan Kirkpatrick
$0 Goal
Joshua Osienger
$0 Goal
Joshua Thompson
$0 Goal
Josie Auch Moedy
$0 Goal
Joslyn Small
$0 Goal
Joy McKinney
$0 Goal
Joyce Dykema
$0 Goal
Juli Wilken
$0 Goal
Julian Wix
$0 Goal
Julie Thielen
$0 Goal
Julie Zahn
$0 Goal
Karen Dinges
$0 Goal
Karen Michaelson
$0 Goal
Kari Brennan
$0 Goal
Kassandra Crawford
$0 Goal
Kaye Scully
$0 Goal
Kaylea Scdoris
$0 Goal
Keeli Watters
$0 Goal
Keith Hauenstein
$0 Goal
Kelani Baber
$0 Goal
Kelsey Romshek
$0 Goal
Kenley Baber
$150 Raised
Kevin Beattie
$0 Goal
Kim Ostermann
$25 Raised
Kim Titchener
$0 Goal
Kim Zwiener
$0 Goal
Kimberly Baker
$0 Goal
Kimberly Milligan
$0 Goal
Kolby Daily
$0 Goal
Kristi Hoffmeyer
$0 Goal
Kristin Cicha
$25 Raised
Kyle Younkin
$0 Goal
Laila House
$0 Goal
Lamar Wilbern
$0 Goal
Landon Myrum
$0 Goal
Lane Woodford
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Leighton Younkin
$0 Goal
Lenyn Younkin
$0 Goal
Lette Weedin
$0 Goal
Levi Younkin
$0 Goal
Libby Oliver
$0 Goal
Lindsay DeLange
$0 Goal
Lindsey Dill
$0 Goal
Lisa Ahmann
$0 Goal
Lisa Andrews
$0 Goal
Lischelle VanEngen
$0 Goal
Lissa Fellars
$0 Goal
Lissa Fellers
$0 Goal
Liza Mendoza-House
$0 Goal
Logan Wood
$0 Goal
Lois Pfundt
$0 Goal
Lori Gressley
$0 Goal
Lucy Pflanz
$0 Goal
Luke Weedin
$0 Goal
$50 Goal
Lynette Mussack
$0 Goal
Lynette Russell
$0 Goal
Maclain Beach
$0 Goal
Maddy Everett
$0 Goal
Maela Maher
$15 Raised
Makenna Frerichs
$0 Goal
Mandy Moller
$0 Goal
Marcus Eickmann
$0 Goal
Mark Smith
$0 Goal
Marty Kliewer
$0 Goal
Mary Parker
$0 Goal
Mason Eickmann
$20 Raised
Mason Smalley
$0 Goal
Matt Biggs
$0 Goal
McKenna Schmidt
$0 Goal
McKenzie Beach
$0 Goal
Mel Hain
$0 Goal
Melanie Martinez
$0 Goal
Melanie Pflanz
$0 Goal
Melissa Lewien
$0 Goal
Melissa Ripley
$0 Goal
Melissa Wood
$0 Goal
Merritt Levy
$0 Goal
Michael Blazek
$0 Goal
Michael Bryan Hoffmeyer
$0 Goal
Michael Hanna
$0 Goal
Michael Larson
$0 Goal
Michelle Coleman
$0 Goal
Michelle Poyer
$0 Goal
Michon Morrow
$100 Raised
Mick Eickmann
$0 Goal
Mike Ripley
$0 Goal
Miles Maly
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Mimi Schmidt
$0 Goal
Moises Connelly
$0 Goal
Molly Holloway
$0 Goal
Molly Peters
$0 Goal
Morgan Dirks
$0 Goal
Morgan Walter
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Nadine Forgey
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Nancy Fleck
$0 Goal
Nancy Vidlak
$0 Goal
Nathan Sliva
$0 Goal
Nathaniel Thompson
$0 Goal
Nicole Clouse
$0 Goal
Nicole KillsEnemy
$0 Goal
Nicole Moss
$0 Goal
Nicole Riggins
$5 Goal
Nikki Smalll
$0 Goal
noah zach
$0 Goal
norma casillas
$10 Raised
Olivia Eickmann
$0 Goal
Olivia Rolf
$0 Goal
Patricia Montoya
$0 Goal
Patricia Schaben
$0 Goal
Paul Dinges
$0 Goal
Paul Illich
$0 Goal
Payeton Milligan
$0 Goal
Payton Leal
$0 Goal
Rachel Faulkner
$0 Goal
Rachel Urban
$0 Goal
Rachel Wilbern
$0 Goal
Ram Watters
$0 Goal
Randy Tvrdik
$0 Goal
Reagan Cronin
$0 Goal
Rebecca Hedstrom
$0 Goal
Rebecca Reicks
$0 Goal
Rebekah Struwe
$0 Goal
Richard Halvorsen
$0 Goal
Riley Cronin
$0 Goal
River Shulman
$0 Goal
Rob Jeffreys
$0 Goal
Robert Broyles
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Roberto Medina
$0 Goal
Robin Dickinson
$0 Goal
Rocio Cubas
$0 Goal
Rocky Lane
$0 Goal
Roger Pieper
$0 Goal
Rosa Duran
$0 Goal
Roscoe Romshek
$0 Goal
Rose Lange
$0 Goal
Rubi Vega
$0 Goal
Saige Russell
$0 Goal
Samantha Wilkins
$0 Goal
Sandy Gleason
$0 Goal
Sara Oltman
$0 Goal
Sara Schmidt
$0 Goal
Sarah Kelly
$0 Goal
Sarah Newton
$0 Goal
Scott Montoya
$0 Goal
Scott Stempson
$0 Goal
sean poppens
$0 Goal
Shana Warner
$0 Goal
Sharlene Most
$0 Goal
Shelby Hayes
$0 Goal
Shelby Olson
$0 Goal
Shelly Everett
$0 Goal
Shelly Turner
$0 Goal
Shiloh Davenport
$0 Goal
Skylar Swanson
$0 Goal
Sophia Allen
$0 Goal
Spencer Humphrey
$50 Raised
Stacey Randall
$0 Goal
Stacie Lundgren Petersen
$50 Raised
Stan Turner
$0 Goal
Stella Auch Moedy
$0 Goal
Stella Tejeda
$0 Goal
Stephen Allen
$0 Goal
Susan Westerhaus
$0 Goal
Suzanne Reimers
$0 Goal
Tabitha Laird
$0 Goal
Taggart Boyd
$0 Goal
Tami Villar
$0 Goal
Taylor Anderson
$0 Goal
Taylor Frank
$120 Raised
Taylor Hilker
$0 Goal
Tenleigh Scdoris
$0 Goal
Terri Nelson
$25 Raised
Terry Lisko
$0 Goal
Theresa Eickmann
$0 Goal
Theresa Lloren
$0 Goal
Theresa Webster
$40 Raised
Thomas Holland
$0 Goal
Thomas Mazza
$0 Goal
Thuy Pham
$0 Goal
Tiffie Hunter
$20 Raised
Tim Cronin
$0 Goal
Tim Watters
$0 Goal
Tod Thieman
$0 Goal
Tom Volk
$0 Goal
Tony Tejeda
$25 Raised
Tonya Beach
$0 Goal
Traci Barnard
$0 Goal
Tracy Reichmuth
$0 Goal
Trevor Cotton
$0 Goal
Trisha Larkin
$0 Goal
Troy Green
$0 Goal
Ty Clement
$0 Goal
Tyler Gowan
$0 Goal
Tyler Kronhofman
$0 Goal
Tyler Milligan
$0 Goal
Tyler Peters
$0 Goal
Veronica Stempson
$0 Goal
Wendy Baehne
$0 Goal
Wendy Conrad
$0 Goal
Whitney Nennemann
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
William Weaver
$10 Raised
Wyatt Bolin
$0 Goal
Zacharia Zerrenner
$0 Goal
Zayne Russell
$0 Goal

Team Fundraisers

Kolby’s Red Pandas
$740 Raised
Lost Heroes
$485 Raised
Pyrtle Panthers
$310 Raised
The Bandits
$100 Goal
Tim Riggs
$500 Goal

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